An odd fly if there ever was one, but very popular in Iceland. The fly is big and heavy.
hello again martin.just wondering if you can help here i fish for salmon in scotland the colours for the start of the season normally are yellow and black could you recommend any other ones for springers as i normally fish tube flys 1"half or 2"flys. kind regars frank
hi martin. thanks for that info
Click on the image and you will be brought right to a materials list.
hi there. could you help me please and tell me the materials i would need to tie this fly. and if you have anymore pictures on how to tie the fly please. many thanks frank
hello again martin.j
hello again martin.just wondering if you can help here i fish for salmon in scotland the colours for the start of the season normally are yellow and black could you recommend any other ones for springers as i normally fish tube flys 1"half or 2"flys. kind regars frank
hi martin. thanks fo
hi martin. thanks for that info
Click on t
Click on the image and you will be brought right to a materials list.
hi there. could you
hi there. could you help me please and tell me the materials i would need to tie this fly. and if you have anymore pictures on how to tie the fly please. many thanks frank